Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Faile's "Stories of Love in Key Foods"

The purchase that finally broke the bank. I have sworn not to buy any more artworks and I mean it this time...
I am relatively new to the Failemania and was lucky enough to win the Q for this print. It is HUGE at 45 x 34.5 inches!! My oh my how am I going to frame this monster??
But I fell in love the moment I unrolled the Key Foods on my table. The amount of work, the deep colours (ok, my camera phone sucked at capturing colours) and the way the girl is staring at me made me a happy happy owner of this massive piece of art.
Now, I have to save up for another 6 months to be able to afford the frame... as well as to buy a big enough apartment to house this beautiful monster.
Happy happy!

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